Wednesday, June 8, 2011

It's Getting Close

Remember those little cup-huggers I made for an upcoming activity that I would be hosting?

Well, the event is getting close.  This Saturday I'll be hosting my annual Garden Party.  Friends are invited to come and enjoy a Saturday morning in my garden and chat with old - and new - friends.

I always try to have a nice spread of goodies prepared for them - which includes things like dips, bite size sandwiches, fresh fruit, pastries, salads, and the ever popular baked sweets made by my sister. When I first started having my Garden Party, both my mother and sister would bake away for weeks prior to the party to supply party-goers with some irresistible treats. Now, since my mother has passed, that part has become the full responsibility of my sister. God bless her for continuing the tradition on her own.  (Sure, I suppose I could make some sweet treats of my own - but these two were masters at it! So, why not enlist the masters?)

Anyway....the geraniums are all planted and waiting for the weekend. I'm happy to report that all four of them have happy little blossoms just waiting to pop open for their new owners. They will be just a few of the prizes that I award my party-goers. I wouldn't be surprised if a little bit of wool goes home with some lucky guests as well!  Well, at least I hope they think they are lucky to win some of my wool creations.  :-)

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