Saturday, December 12, 2009

Crap. It Snowed.

I know. I know. It’s my fault.

I should have gotten to all of my fall chores by now. But I was busy.

I was busy traveling, working, felting, stressing, worrying, sleeping, blogging, reading pages and pages of great blogs and other sites, eating, shopping, having mini-breakdowns – you know – normal stuff.

So when you live in Wisconsin and have a screened in front porch, there is a really good reason why you need to put up plastic in the fall to protect it from the winter weather. I know that. I just didn’t get it done in time.

Go ahead and giggle. I have to a little bit myself. But, yes, this is what happens when you don’t get your fall chores done properly and on time. This is how my porch looks right now. This is the mess I have to clean up. Tomorrow.

I didn’t have time today. I was busy. I was busy, working, felting, stressing, blogging…..ok fine. I was procrastinating.


  1. Pics of your porch make me laugh. Guess you needed me to remind you that it's December!!!! kd

  2. I think I'm in denile. Where did that summer go???
